by grace and glory
why gratitude is a healthy habit to embrace

For the past few years, we have heard more often than before that we should focus on the positive rather than the negative. Although it is a good idea to do so, I say we should rather focus on the present moment as it comes and live it through its core. We are human beings, and we can not always manage our emotions, especially when a situation we find ourselves in touches our whole being. 

We tend to react. We are built that way. What I suggest is to take it all in. We must accept our human reactions and stay with the emotions that come through. We should not be ashamed of the emotional state we find ourselves in. It is all-natural. It is part of the developing process in which we are in. We should invite though right after we experience our cortisol or dopamine dose to stay there and find gratitude in our life experience. 

You might think: "Why should I be grateful for this experience when it caused me a dose of stress or that the excitement has worn me out?  Why could this not have been better?" 

To this, we should find wisdom and be grateful for what that moment brought into our lives. We may not comprehend it right the second it comes through, but if we pause and take a deep breath, we start to reflect on it and see slowly, but surely that all was intended for the best. 

When you wake up in the morning and see grey clouds on your free weekend, try to be grateful that they allow you to stay longer in bed while you read a book and have a cup of your favourite warm drink. When you are stuck in traffic while you do your errands, pause and be grateful for the moment of reflection you are invited in right in that moment. 

When you miss your workout class at the gym because you slept longer and didn't hear your alarm clock, be grateful that nature is awaiting you for a dose of nature workout. 

Gratitude must be considered one of the most effective healthy habits to help you de-stress. Seeing what you already have and not what is missing will surely keep you in an emotional state of well-being. Please remind yourself that it might be your best friend who will always help you reflect better on your life's gifts.

While you find gratitude in your daily life you should also work on keeping it close to you so you can appreciate more of what you have still and what your future will bring. 

Healthy habits are hard to ignore when everyone is looking for something beneficial for their emotional well-being. They don't cost anything except your time and attention.

Keeping a private journal where you can write all your daily experiences and express in writing, all you are grateful for is a wonderful way to introduce this healthy habit to your daily life. 

I advise you to focus not only on things but on the people and the experiences you have in your life. Express in writing, your gratitude towards people you love and wish to keep them in your life as close as possible. Cherish the moments together and choose to be grateful together. When gratitude is magnified, a wonderful dose of positive energy bursts into your hearts and minds. Consequently, the beneficial serotonin dose comes along, and our journey is livelier.

What a wonderful way to build such a healthy habit, don't you think?

Never regret what you might be losing in life, rather embrace what you might be "gaining" if you do it daily. I always remind myself that small things done daily help us achieve more than we think in the long run.

Find daily a few moments for yourself and start writing your gratitude for today and the season you are in.

One thing that I am most grateful for this season is the new connections I made while the leaves were changing their colour, and started falling. While the season of "falling" is in its final chapter, I started a new chapter of new friendships and new beginnings. 

Love your life always, and never take anything for granted. Remind yourself that everything life has gifted you until now is for a sole purpose. To know and be known by all types of love in the falling season of Life.


by grace and glory

Like with any change, the changing of the seasons facilitates our human journey if we are willing to learn from its wisdom. Finding ourselves in a transitional period in our life journey challenges us to reflect more on the upcoming changes in our lives. Observing the natural environment and the changes it brings while a season ends and a new one knocks at our door can help open our minds.

 Consequently, we will find the courage to embrace what might come along. Our daily familiar routines will soon be replaced with new ones. Although change may be uncomfortable, we must remember that it is necessary to thrive and grow into whatever life prepared for us in the following chapter of our story. If we are ready to embrace the change of the new routines of the new season that awaits, we will surely learn to love it more.

As the days get shorter, I long for the sunrise and feel expectant. I appreciate it even more when it shows up in its mighty glory. Observing and reflecting deeply on the changing seasons, we might open up more to change in our daily experiences and embrace them just as they are. 

The observation of the gradual time change of the sunrise allows us to question everything in our lives. If the sun failed to rise, the Earth would remain dark. Surely, we would be more appreciative when it shows its presence on the skyline. 

Seasons are our guiding forces that never stop to whisper in our ears: "Enjoy your journey now and expect to learn from the changing experiences of your life!"  Every individual has a specific way of dealing with change. If we force the change to happen earlier, we might arrive too early at our destination or find the one we are not supposed to be on.

We must accept that all the leaves change colour and fall when their time has come. While we wait patiently and observe their journey, we become more aware of what we must observe while living our own. Taking the time to process experiences and emotions helps us find the synchronicity of a new "imposed" rhythm of life. 

We are too impatient sometimes to let things flow into our lives. Where are we running? Why can't we stay still for a little while longer and let the chapters of our journey unfold as they should? 

Whenever I am in a hurry, I go out in nature. While in the middle of its heart, I stay longer than usual. I contemplate and reflect. Finding nature's wisdom and learning from it helps me re-centre. Observing nature's changing and calming journey teaches me also to trust the present season in which I am as the one that awaits. Being in nature always helps me relearn to settle and find the most needed rhythm, which undeniably always brings ease to my soul.

I love this quote by Lao Tzu: "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." 

Take your time with all you need. Try not to speed things up. We only have so much in this life as we allow it to offer us. We won't experience it fully unless we allow its chapters to unfold as they should. What a shame to go through Life and not live it through its deepest essence. 

With Autumn's equinox approach, we must remind ourselves that speeding things in our journey might make us "lose" valuable lessons that we would not integrate otherwise. Autumn helps us find that calm and space we all need to transition beautifully into the new season. Autumn gives us rest.

 A restful human heart embraces the change with ease.


by grace and glory
IDENTIFYING with your true self frees you from the person you think you should be

What would your life look like if you knew you could design it exactly as you would like it to be? 

We all say that we wish to live a meaningful life and reach the perfect balance in our daily journey. Did we live at least some part of the life we imagined we would love to experience? The dominant thoughts in our minds consist of an equation of what we hear and learn since we "set foot" in this world or even long before that. It all starts with the way we develop in our mother's womb. We live through her emotions, thoughts and actions. We touch her deepest being at an unconscious level without even being aware of it. 

All we experience throughout our lives is built upon a foundation we did not set ourselves. We generally make assumptions. We rarely let our true selves guide us. 

Please imagine for one moment that you could be the architect of your life, and no other person might "interfere" with your plan. How would you create your life? I am sure you would try to live a healthy lifestyle. You would choose to live in a beautiful home surrounded by a gorgeous garden where you could nurture yourself with its daily nutrients physically and mentally. You would know deep down that nature is all you need to be well and happy.

What if you would not have your garden  "sprayed" with artificial products? You would be comfortable knowing that your environment is as natural as possible. The people who might visit your garden would only teach you how to grow it healthily. 

As you take care of your home and garden only by using healthy habits you will feel safe in your environment. The same would happen with your extended family, friends and neighbours. Everyone would feel secure and happy all around you. You might ask yourself: "Could this possibly happen?" 

Human beings absorb everything from their environment the minute they are born.

Even if we try to build a meaningful life, circumstances and conditions do not always allow us to create that purposeful life. As small children, we copy our parents, extended family, and even the friends we have in our lives. We make these imitations a part of our identity. All these habits we carry into our adult life continue to "burden us", and we do not know how to part with them. Most of the time, they do not define us, and we continue carrying them throughout our lives. 

How can you find positive results in transforming your life? What are the best solutions for being able to experience your "personalized life"?

Firstly, we must "take off the clothes we borrowed" from our family members, friends or the environment in which we find ourselves, starting from our childhood through our work environment and manage to find our thoughts and our voices. 

As human beings, we must choose daily to put on our designs, the clothes that fit our values. We must detach from those around us, from their stories and avoid at all costs to identify with their life version. Every individual has its own life story, which is unique. We must remind ourselves that our varied life experiences are gifts we must receive with an open heart. By doing that, we will surely be on the right creative path.

Identifying with our inner voice will allow us to let it guide our life journey. Building a good foundation for our life experiences, one that is familiar with our true selves will make us feel at home in our skin, and we will see every life experience as an opportunity to free ourselves from ideas that do not belong to us. We will gently find our place. Let us choose the bricks that fit perfectly for our new home foundation. 

Why do we keep listening to all the stories we hear in our minds throughout our lives? We are not conscious that these stories do not belong to us. We are always inclined to listen more to things that come from outside ourselves rather than from deep within.

We wish to be loved and liked more than we dare to acknowledge. We continuously try to find the love that we know must be somewhere. That pure love that we think we have not reached yet.

Our problem is that we always try to find it outside ourselves rather than looking for it deep within. We let ourselves be guided by the illusion that life must be lived as we were told and not as we feel it.

What if the story you heard all your life can be rewritten? Consider more your own opinion of how you should live rather than how others think you should experience life. We can only change something if we integrate every part of our unique human identity from deep within. Our unique human journey must remain in close connection with our authentic selves. 

Only then will we feel at ease with ourselves and embrace the "perfect story" of our lives. We will design our home the way we wish to and live a meaningful life journey. You are the one who must choose how you identify with your life story. Always make sure it's your version and not the one of those around you.

A life worth living is a life with whom you truly identify with. We are the creators of our life story and must remind ourselves that we can create whatever our mind imagine. I always say that the heart must always be present in our equation. We forget how valuable our true selves are.

Every evening when you go to bed think how precious is the moment when you wake up the following morning. Your True Self awaits to reveal itself. It only needs your permission. Are you willing to water it and let it become the main character of your life story?


by grace and glory

Inner peace, calm, and equilibrium are the keywords one searches for, especially when one feels their life route takes an unexpected turn.

When we think we have found balance in all areas of our lives, an unfamiliar life experience invites itself in and swishes us from our "comfortable chair". The new life experiences come into our journey to tell us that our apparent understanding of all things is incomplete and to help us learn something new. 

We cannot master Life no matter how much we wish to. We don't even need to! Attempting to do it will result in a significant challenge. One must not try to master Life but live it through its core. 

There are times when Life gets so mysterious only to show its great wisdom and tell us: "My dear child. You learned a lot by now, but there is a lot more left to learn."  Rushing through life experiences will not help us learn faster or better. One must take the life experience as it comes, integrate it, stay with it, and intensely let the emotions that come along pierce into its being until they run their course. 

If one tries to suppress them or ignore them, they will stay deep within the same way when we were children. If we wish to accept our life experiences during our adulthood journey as our great teachers, we must find in every small or big life challenge that essential point we are missing by using our innate wisdom and our love.

By incorporating observation, objectiveness, and knowledge, we can gain insights into what we must learn. Our "gain" will be achieved only when we embrace our experiences as they are. This way, we will set them free and move to the next chapter of our lives.

Our life journey is like a curriculum. To study well, we need an extensive library from which we can borrow books one at a time. We need a lifetime to read all the books we are interested in. After every finished book, we realise there is still more to learn. What we often miss is the acceptance of things as they are.

Our comprehension of what it means to be human with varied emotions must find its completeness. One must do it intently with care and love. We are here on Earth to learn the essence of being human and the essence of Life.

Our brain map is perfectly designed and always works to our advantage. It needs to keep us in survival mode. We must live. It is its only concern. Our brain does not care if our emotions get entangled or run deep. 

When we fully understand that humans are complex beings with mind, body and soul, we will probably embrace our human condition. When life experiences take us by surprise, and we do not know what to envision for the next chapter of our journey, we must find comfort in knowing that our gift is Life itself and all it represents. 

Let the journey unfold as it is. As long as we breathe and our thoughts are still animated, we must let them flow with every breath we take.

Dare to take your time and learn from each experience of your Life. Dare to feel your emotions and embrace them. All you have to do is love them as they come so that you can free yourself from your ideal ideas of what your life journey must look like. Grow with them, evolve, and "fly" as high as possible to find your breath again.


by grace and glory
nature's connection to humans

In a world of change and continuous descendant trajectory at every level of our society, it's hard to believe that our lives would stay untouched or altered by what is called "human evolution".

Every corner of our world should narrate a story that touches our whole being as humans. The story's subject must be that of resilience and hope of human beings living their human lives as humanly as possible and must be passed from generation to generation with good intentions.

Life means animated corporeal existence. In other words, Life represents one's body animated by a source of energy. 

Today's society is in continual change, and that source of energy which animates people is silently fading. This source is inevitably consumed just like a candle that slowly reaches its end. If the candle loses its light, we will be in complete darkness. This source should nurture us and animate our lives, our thinking, and our innate wisdom. 

Very shortly, our world will be quite unrecognizable. I am a very hopeful person by nature, but the story that I am hearing today has become less hopeful. 

Even if we don't recognize it, we are submerged by the heaviness of the "new life" that we are unconsciously embracing. 

How are we so naive and still believe that our modern world helps us evolve or that the information that we access today is in our best interest as humans? 

All the information we receive today is mainly from the World Wide Web. We live inside our laptops, and we "feed" from our smartphones. Have you asked yourself questions like:

Is the information that I am reading real?
Does this information serve me today?
Does this information interfere with my reasoning?

Take a moment and reflect on these questions. Try to use your innate wisdom when you find yourself in a difficult situation. I must say that we are the ones who need to choose what we consume and how long. We are responsible for the organization of our time and our lives. 

If the information from the World Wide Web would be consciously replaced with the information we receive from the World Wide Real, I am sure our world would change and hope would return, at least for those who believe that there is still a slight change to nurture our humanness. 

Our natural environment carries so much healthy information that was purposely put there for us to continuously learn from its wisdom and carry on our lives in the most beautiful possible way. 

The source of energy that animates us is unconditionally there for us every time we need to nourish the energy from inside ourselves. A daily walk in nature or a walk in the forest is the best place to be, especially if you feel you lost your energy. 

While in nature, signals are transmitted to our bodies and our brains. The circuits of your nervous system are "repaired" when you are in the heart of it. Our bodies feel refreshed and are animated with that source of energy that I previously mentioned. Your Inner Being is nourished, and you feel safe. 

If the body does not receive proper nourishment, will not be able to thrive and survive. The same is true with our inner beings. We need to stay in touch with a proper nurturing source of energy so we can remain humans. 

Life is animated from the source found in our natural environment, our real world rather than from our devices. Once connected with real life, we long only for good healthy relationships that can only be built when you see people's faces, when you have eye-to-eye conversations, and when you feel their emotions. The body language of the person in conversation with you sometimes says more than words can express. We must stay humanly connected so we can animate our lives.

Albert Einstein said: "I fear that technology will surpass our human interaction." I believe that we partly reached that time. I must add that we also lose interaction with our natural environment by unconscious choice.

What story our generation will transmit to the future ones? I believe we still have time to re-write it if we are willing to. 


by grace and glory

If today's society misses something, it surely misses one important element. We all need kindness. We can live a happier life if we daily explore it. 

Kindness is not something we need to search outside ourselves. Because if we do so, we might find disappointment in most cases. Kindness will only come to you if you are willing to find kindness deep within. 

How do you find kindness inside? 

First, you need to think only of how we can be kind to ourselves and those around us without waiting for anything in return. Everything you do must be sincere, with an open heart, and with the conviction that this is the best thing to do. Kindness is easily accessed if we are willing to give it. The more we connect to our true selves, the more we will be willing to act on it.

Why are we always waiting for any reward for our actions? Our brains are formed this way. We are always trying to give it what it asks. But what if our hearts ask for something else? I am sure most of you would say: "When I make decisions with my heart, they are most of the time in contradiction with what my brain wishes."

What if it's not what you truly wish? Did you know that your brain is "constructed" by being influenced by external factors like your environment, the people with whom you grew up, and their convictions and actions?

Your inner self, on the other hand, is connected to the "soul" part of you. Your mind and soul must be in harmony. This way, you can access every part of your being.

This is the key that can ease your journey toward kindness. If you connect to your true self and reward your brain with positive mindful routines, your inner kindness will "awake". Once you discover the kindness in you, you will be able to show it to others.
People often use this saying: "What you give is what you get!" I suggest using instead: "What kindness toward yourself can do, it surely can do to others." 

I always love to look at nature. Nature's elements as a whole have always benefited our emotional well-being. The breeze, the colours, the blue sky, the trees, and the flowers show kindness toward us just by being present for us. While getting close to nature and being in the heart of it, we receive unconditionally all that it offers. We start to feel its kindness. and become aware of nature's positive impact on our lives. We begin to live through its rhythm. 

While we are in the middle of nature, we connect to another part of us, to our inner child that happened to wander for hours through it without wishing to return inside or ask for food. As little humans, we observed the butterflies flying and the bird's song always captured our attention. We played for hours under the infinite sky and observed the wonders of life in detail. 

As little beings, we connect easily to the essence of life. We always felt the joy of life, especially while we were out and about in the fields of grass and wildflowers. As adults, we lose sight of kindness. If we are willing to keep it in our lives, we must do it with intention.

We can only access and reveal the kindness inside of us if we connect to our essence. This essence was kindly offered to us when we came here. Are we willing to allow it to "rule" our world? When we ask ourselves: "Why aren't we happy?" 

We must ask ourselves various questions like: 

1. Did you show yourself some kindness today? 
2. Did you try to access your true essence? 
3. Did you focus on the positive rather than the negative?
4. Did you say a kind word to someone today?
5. Did you make an act of kindness towards someone who needs it?"

We must ask ourselves all these questions above and answer them sincerely. We must try to reflect on what is missing. This daily "questionnaire" is not intended to put us in difficulty.  It must be considered as a positive mindful routine that will benefit you first. Whilst trying to put all the pieces together in our "unhappy life", we will find the word "KINDNESS".

As parents, we always try our best to show kindness toward our children because we wish them happiness, and we know deep down that this is what they need to grow up emotionally healthy. 

Scientists always say: "Where your focus goes, your energy flows." So, if you are willing to follow kindness, it will surely follow You. You will meet kind people and find yourself in life experiences and circumstances that will take you by surprise. Life is built on your actions. Let's all show kindness toward ourselves and others. We will surely experience the wonders of LIFE. 


by grace and glory
the secret of well-being is no secret at all

While we try to live a balanced life, we unconsciously complicate things. Human beings have a unique way of putting things in perspective. Instead of focusing on the positive part of our experiences, we rather look at the negative. It is normal. Our ancestors ran 24 hours a day to save themselves from any danger. 

We are now in the 21st century. We have mountains of information on how we can manage our lives better. We know we must focus on good habits to achieve a healthy and balanced life. Although, we have all the necessary tools we still choose not to explore them. Why is that? 

Why are we still struggling to come out of this vicious circle? We all do it, even if we aren't aware of doing it. What we must do to take the best chance of living a good life? 

We must raise our awareness that even if we know everything in theory, we will only reach the end of our journey by practising what we know. 

We all know that results will only start to appear if we constantly work on ourselves. If we could all follow the "algorithm" of real life to grow and reach a wider audience. 

The state of well-being is defined by what we repeatedly do. It doesn't suffice to exercise only a day a month or go outside in nature only once in a while. It needs consistency and implication. 

If we know how to say Bonjour, it doesn't mean we speak French. If we train our bodies for a marathon just once in a while, we will probably not reach the end of it. It takes time and effort to do anything we set our minds on. 

The same is true with the state of our well-being. We need to reach daily, if possible, those tools or actions that induce us in the state of well-being. We are the ones responsible for our well-being. Nobody can do it in our place, and surely no one will do it. The work you need to do on yourself is only yours to complete.

If we follow our innate wisdom and listen carefully to our inner beings and our bodies, we will always choose what is best for us. We will go out in nature, we will practice new words every day to learn a new language, we will practice physical activities more than once, we will nurture our brains with positive messages, we will do all the necessary work, and we will use all the tools at our disposal. 

We all know the secret of well-being long before any self-development book or program. We all know it, but it lies, unfortunately, dormant somewhere underneath the surface. It is time to access it and use it daily. Do not let life pass by. Live your life wholeheartedly and choose to access the secret of well-being. It resides inside yourselves.

We all wish to be well and happy, but if it is possible without any effort. We have all reached a point where we are consumed by what we use. If we choose to use the best tools, we will nurture our state of well-being. If we choose otherwise, we will long for that state of well-being that we reached before. We will eventually be "forced" to return to the starting point. 

We came here to live a life with purpose. That purpose, I believe is the same for every human being. That is to live the best time of your life every single day. When life experiences "try" us, let's embrace them and find a state of well-being in the middle of the storm. 

Nothing is too hard if we are willing to "take the plunge". The start is always the hardest, but once you dive deep into the water, you will enjoy the experience. Once you do it, you will liberate yourself from the weight you carry unconsciously on your shoulders. 


by grace and glory

The world as we know it today is not the world that most of us imagined to live in. Everything that "is served" on the plate in our society convinces us that we can change our lives for the better if we use this tool or that one. People are exhausted from running in every possible direction to find something which can make them happy. Only to find out that running from one side of the world to the other, we are still running, and there is no way to find what we are looking for. Let's be honest here. 

Everybody portrays most of the time the best part of their life. Some, offer advice to others on how to live a happy life. Except that, we know nothing about what happiness means for every individual. Neither do they know their definition of happiness. 

We can wake up one day and be sure that today is the day to find happiness. Then, the following day, we wake up saying:  "No, I think I am still searching for it!"

People are changing their ideas of happiness from one day to another. Most of their ideas about it are based on experiences lived by those around them who "impose" their ideas of how a happy life should look like. 

Everyone wishes to be happy all the time and have a good life. I dare say that few people dare to feel sadness and experience emotions that bring less "happiness" in their lives. Why do we run from sadness, hurt, defeat, or melancholy? 

I believe that, as little humans, the possibility of being sad and exploring our emotions is almost nonexistent. We heard quite a lot: "It's nothing. Get up! You will be fine." 

As little humans grow, they learn that they need to get up quickly and move on because life is hard, and they need to get used to it. Only that, their adult life wouldn't be this hard if they had been allowed to explore and understand their different kind of emotions.

Can you imagine living a human life without crying or being sad? How would you think of your life with no tears at all, and that every day of it would be perfect? Would you be able to appreciate your happiness? 

To understand the meaning of Life, we need also to understand the meaning of our emotions and the environment in which we live. 
We need to clear our minds and constantly renew our thoughts by telling us that we must accept all that is as it is. If we do that, we can live with peace in our hearts. 

If there are things that you can change for the better, change them, but if there are things that you cannot, try to accept them as they are. You must know that those things are all you need at that moment in your journey to evolve.

How can we renew our minds to live a life with meaning? Firstly, if you wish to live a meaningful Life, you must never forget about your Soul. When you try to put it aside, you can barely touch the true meaning of the human journey. 

It is quite hard, given the fact that even psychology in the 1960s tried to strip it from us. I am sure that what we think of our souls today was shaped by the professionals in those times, but let's not forget that we can only understand the true meaning of Life with our whole being. 

Our physical bodies experience Life using our senses, which I name the outer being, and our Inner Being, which is in strong connection with our Soul that sees through it all. 

We barely employ the word Soul nowadays because we are "afraid" to see another world we know nothing about. We are afraid to touch upon true happiness because it is unimaginable to us to think that it can exist. How can we believe it can exist if we have not seen it with our own eyes?

When we hear the question: "What would you do if you knew that today is your last day?"  
I presume we would all answer: "I would love to live through another one or more because I still have so many life experiences that I wish to explore."

I believe the reason for answering this way is because we didn't let our Soul experience enough in the human journey until now. 

So my advice is: "Dare to let your Soul feel the human journey! You might be surprised by what it can gift you. To clear our minds and renew our thoughts, we need to activate EVERY part of our Being. If we live in sync with all of them, we will surely experience life through another level of existence.

Once you let it, you might change your answer to the question: What would you do if you knew that you only have today? 

I am letting you now answer this question while you let your Soul guide you. If you can do it with pen on paper, I am sure a new world will open for you. 


by grace and glory
you and your natural environment

How would your life look like without the natural environment?

Not many of us ask a question like this one. I know. How on earth would someone ask such a question? That is my question to you all at the end of this winter season. 

Please take a moment and reflect upon it. Could you take your time and write down all your answers? 

I do not wish to spoil your reflection, but I would like to give you my answers. I do not have many. I have only one. My life would not exist without my natural environment. 

Without our natural environment, life would not exist on this planet, literally and metaphorically. 

Like in winter, when nature is dormant, life is rarely seen in nature. The trees are bare, there are no flowers, and nothing seems to move. 

The same is true in our daily lives. Human beings need movement to feel okay. We are always trying to do something useful, trying to move forward. We are always trying to do things that matter to others and ourselves. 

If our "natural environment" (interactions, healthy routines, ongoing errands, etc.) is dormant, we feel alone and barely feel our liveliness. While interacting with people in our lives and doing our daily routines, we will feel that sense of purpose and meaning.

Nature's wisdom teaches us that hoping for life to return is the solution to finding ourselves and getting familiar again with the purpose of Being and not doing. 

Even if we feel alone and feel the "chill" of the winter season, we must learn to sit with our emotions and feelings of loneliness. While we explore all these types of emotions, it allows us to hope and wait for better days.

We must imagine for one short moment how our life would be without being able to walk in the grass or smell the flowers. Let's go further and imagine our world without trees. How blessed are we to have all these elements around us?

When you feel that there is no hope in your life or that things are going in the opposite direction of your wishes, turn your direction towards Nature. There, you will find all your answers.

Lift your head toward the Sky and let your soul feel how amazing it is to see the infinite space that allows you to express yourself as a human being and feel the breeze of air on your skin. 

If your inspiration is gone, you must know that your being needs rest to reflect upon this moment in your life. Furthermore, that is the moment to turn to Nature and walk in the heart of it, the place where you will find again what you are looking for.

If you see only the worst part of your life experiences, think of Nature's winter and look for its beauty just by looking at how marvellous is the structure of a tree. When you understand that having "no clothes" will help you see better the essence of life you will also start to marvel. 

If you wish to go on holiday like everyone else but can't find the time through your busy schedule, take at least a trip into the woods. Your natural environment will provide a safe place where you'll improve your health, and your mind will open up to new possibilities. In other words, you'll benefit from a stress-free "holiday". No suitcase to prepare, no budget needed, just your free will, and you are ready to go.

Our human journey is not always easy, unfortunately, just because we are the ones who make it this way.  

Let's sit now for another moment, and imagine your life closely connected with your natural environment. You will soon begin to feel connected to everything around you. Your senses will increase with the passing of every day, and you will feel that your purpose of being alive is enough. Your innate wisdom will connect with Nature's wisdom. You will feel more confident every single day, and you will be grateful for wishing nothing else. Your only wish will be to make your nature walk a habit, definitely a healthy one. You will feel that there is always a safe place for you to be where you feel nourished and refreshed. 

You will be able to see again the Essence and the Beauty of Life. You will understand the subtle messages that Nature sends your way like our ancestors did. You will feel connected with your True Self, and you will feel again alive and whole. You will be thankful for today, and that will be enough.  

Let's try and build healthy habits for us and generations to come.


by grace and glory

Living through the rhythm of the seasons is not always easy, is it?  Especially while winter seems so long. Even though is sometimes hard, we must listen to the wisdom of Nature.

Searching and finding strength while winter seems to settle into our lives is quite a challenge. 

When this happens, we must focus on the good we already have in our lives. The small, mundane things can bring us more happiness than we realize. 

The simple thing of waking up in the morning and seeing the sunlight is something many would love to be able to do, at least for one more day. Being alive is a gift. 

We all have passions we wish to explore daily and nurture ourselves while doing them. Let's explore them more than usual this season. It will surely keep us "warm".

For some, being able to hold a pen, and write is the greatest gift.
For some, being able to take a paintbrush and paint is the greatest gift.
For some, being able to take a coloured pencil and draw is the greatest gift. 
For some, being able to read is the greatest gift. 
For some, being able to sing is the greatest gift.
For some, being able to create with one's hands is the greatest gift.
For some, being able to write poetry is the greatest gift.
For some, being able to inspire others is the greatest gift.

Everyone has something to look for when morning comes. This act in itself is already a great achievement. 

We all find refuge and nourishment in what we are passionate about. While mid-winter has a hold upon us, at least we can focus and work on our most beloved passions. In addition, we can enjoy the small pleasures of life, which, unfortunately, nowadays, become a luxury. 

The simple thing of drinking a cup of our favourite warm drink is another gift we can be appreciative of this season. 
Enjoying a warm, comforting meal around the family table is a great gift we have this season. We spend more time together, and we are more appreciative of being so close.

Being out in nature, even for a short walk, helps us find gratitude for having a warm, comfortable home and get cosy while this season passes. 

While we try to be brave and move along our journey, our strength seems to fade sometimes, especially during winter. Rainy, windy, and stormy weather in some parts of the world seems to stay, and the end seems further away.

How do we move past it?  Always remember that all seasons come to an end. 

When life gets difficult, we are more appreciative when our situation improves. When we are down, we make more effort to get up every time. The repeated act of getting up every time builds resilience. We try to reach for hope when it seems there is none. We search for good memories subconsciously, because our bodies are very wise and search for inner resources. We always try to find the light (light candles, use the fireplace) when it is dark outside to compensate for the shorter days. 

By nature, when it is dark outside, we wish to see more light because we miss it.

We all have that light inside our beings, and when we don't see it, we try to find all the possible ways to reveal it. I believe winter always returns to teach us we must search for light and inner strength. I believe without it, we wouldn't be passionate and eager to continue our journey. 

I often meditate upon the arrival of snowdrops this month. The snowdrops are the first blooms in the middle of the winter. They are always blooming for one reason only. They seem so fragile, yet they bloom during the winter season to remind us that even if we seem fragile as humans, we have our inner strength that no one can take away from us only if we allow it.

So, what do you choose this mid-winter? Do you choose to find your inner strength and the beauty that comes along, or do you choose to "stay in the dark"? 

I am sure you choose the best part of your inner strength to guide you along until winter loses its grip. I hope you always find strength and beauty when everything seems so dark sometimes. 

We must find it, so we can bloom beautifully in the season of rebirth. As the sun always shines after rain, so is Spring, the gorgeous season that awaits our glorious bloom.


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